Baby’s oral care
Nothing is as special as your child’s happy, healthy smile. As a parent, you know it’s important to learn how to care for your child’s oral health.
How can I avoid baby bottle cavities?
Once your baby’s teeth begin to appear, you need to take extra care that these new teeth do not develop cavities. Babies can develop teeth cavities through “nursing bottle mouth,” which is caused by extended nursing on milk, formula or juices, especially at bedtime or naptime. You should not use a feeding bottle as a pacifier. If you must give your baby a bottle at bedtime or naptime, make sure it contains plain water. You should not give a baby a pacifier that has been dipped in honey or sugar
Good dental health should begin at birth. after each feeding, gently wipe the baby’s gums with a soft, clean and damp washcloth or gauze pad.